
Dialogue Writing – Madhyamik English writing

Dialogue writing is a kind of composition in the form of a conversation or talk between two persons generally.

Student should take note of the following point while composing a dialogue/ things to remember for Dialogue Writing:

  1. Long sentences should be avoided.
  2. Continuous talk of one person should be avoided.
  3. While answering to a question, the speech should be short.
  4. Contractions (I’ve, you’re, don’t hasn’t won’t they’re I’m its It’s etc) are always encouraged.
  5. No need to write complete sentences always.
  6. One person can interrupt the other while talking.
  7. Interjection (Oh! Hey! Good! Indeed! Etc) should be used in proper places.
  8. Multisyllabic inflated words of epithets should be avoided.
  9. Language should be plain and simple.
  10. If needed setting or stage direction can be added within a bracket in a few words.

Few Example of Dialogue Writing for Madhyamik Exam

  1. Dialogue Writing Example no 1

Dialogue between a father and her daughter:


Father: Ankita, you’re not doing well in math. What’s your problem?

Ankita: No problem, but I find no interest in numbers and calculations.

Father: Why? I want you to be an engineer. I think, a smart, inquisitive and intelligent girl like you has the makings of a technocrat.

Ankita: But, Dad I’ve fixed my mind on being a journalist.

Father: Really?

Ankita: That’s why every day I Minutely read newspaper. I read many non-Fictions also and attend good seminars.

Father: What’s your special interest, Ankita?

Ankita: Well, Human Problems…, especially social unrest caused by communalism, economic deprivation and political turmoil.

Father: That is quite impressive from a girl like you. You never mention the world of fashion and entertainment. I’m pleased.

Ankita: Thank you father.

Father: but, why don’t you send your write ups to some newspaper or magazines?

Ankita: You know I’m a coordinator of the Telegraph in school and also a regular contributor to our school magazine.

Father: Very Good Ankita. Carry On.

  1. Dialogue Writing Example no 2

One man has trodden another man’s feet in a crowded bus. The two men begin to quarrel. Write down the exchange of words between them.


Passenger A: (Gives a long shrill cry) oh…… Ouch! (Bends down and gives a push to the man next to him) are you blind? You’ve trodden on my feet.

Passenger B: I’m not your enemy man. The bus is crowded and by chance my right foot touched yours.

Passenger A: You deliberately did it.

Passenger B: but why? Do I gain anything?

Passenger A: Don’t talk rubbish. You wanted to make room for yourself. You people never think of other.

Passenger B: Hey you! You’ve no right to think of others as selfish. What do you know of me?

Passenger A: your conduct shows what you are.

Passenger B: Yes of course. I’ve already acknowledged. But it’s you who deliberately pushed me with your elbow. What you did make no sense to a gentleman (shouts).

Passenger A: Don’t shout. I can ever be louder. (Now other passengers shout and ask them to be peaceful).

  1. Dialogue Writing Example no 3

Write a dialogue involving two friends who talk about their holiday plans after the examination.


Arun: Hey, Bimal. Why are you looking so drab?

Bimal: My father says he won’t have any time for holidaying this summer.

Arun: Oh! So upsetting, even my father is also always busy and he says he can’t be out of station till the Puja next year. Still I’ve a plan.

Bimal: Really? What plan?

Arun: I’m going to Darjeeling.

Bimal: But how are you going to Darjeeling all alone?

Arun: No, I’ll go there with my uncle and aunt. Uncle’s office has a good holiday home there.

Bimal: Go and have lots of fun.

Arun: Can I ask your parent to allow you to join us in the tour?

Bimal: But you have to ask your uncle first. If he says ‘yes’ and agrees to talk to my parents, I’ll have no problem.

Arun: Right! I’ll talk with my uncle this evening.

Bimal: But don’t press him please.

Arun: Leave the matter to me. Bye

Bimal: So kind of you. Good bye.


Read more Phrasal Verb with Meaning English Grammar

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