
Jimmy valentine shorts questions and answers

Jimmy valentine shorts questions and answers; here in this article we try to uphold few important short question and answers from Alias Jimmy valentine by O. Henry which will be very helpful to the students of class XI.


Class XI English-Alias Jimmy Valentine by O. Henry.

Jimmy valentine shorts questions and answers


Alias Jimmy valentine shorts questions and answers


  1. Who is the writer of Alias Jimmy Valentine?

Ans: O. Henry is the writer of Alias Jimmy Valentine.

  1. Whose pen name is O. Henry?

Ans: William Sydney Porter’s pen name is O. Henry.

  1. Who was Cronin?

Ans: Cronin was the guard of the prison.

  1. How did Jimmy taste the first sweet joys liberty?

Ans: Jimmy tasted the first sweet joys liberty with broiled chicken and a bottle of wine with a cigarette.

  1. With whom did jimmy first meet coming out of the prison?

Ans: coming out of the prison Jimmy first met Mike Dolan.

  1. What was Jimmy doing at the beginning of the story?

Ans: Jimmy was stitching uppers in the prison shoe shop at the beginning of the story.

  1. What did the warden give Jimmy?

Ans: The warden gave Jimmy his pardon signed by the Governor.

  1. How much was the cost to prepare the special burglary tools?

Ans: Jimmy paid nearly 1000 dollar to prepare the special burglary tools.

  1. Who was Ben Price?

Ans: Ben Price was a special ranked detective who arrested Jimmy Valentine for the Springfield burglary case.

  1. What had helped Jimmy Valentine to escape punishment every time?

Ans: According to  Ben price Jimmy’s qualities like long jumps, quick getaway, no confederated and taste for good society had helped him to escape punishment every time.

  1. Why was the clerk getting impressed?

Ans: The clerk was impressed by the cloth and manner of Jimmy.

  1. What kind of business did Jimmy propose to start in Elmore?

ANS: Jimmy proposed to start a shoe business in Elmore.

  1. Where did Jimmy put up in Elmore?

Ans: Jimmy put up in the Planters hotel in Elmore.

  1. Who was Polly Simpson?

Ans: Polly Simpson was an imaginary name that Jimmy fabricated to know the name of Annabel Adams from the boy.

  1. Who owns the Elmore bank?

Ans: Mr. Adams father of Annabel Adams owns the Elmore Bank.

  1. What did the little boy in front of the bank wants to buy?

Ans: The boy wanted to buy a Bulldog.

  1. Why did Jimmy want to visit Little Rock?

Ans: Jimmy wanted to visit Little Rock to hand over his burglary tools to Billy and to buy a special gift for Annabel Adams besides buying a wedding suit for him.

  1. Who got stuck in the vault?

Ans: Agatha, the 5 year old girl got stuck in the vault of Elmore Bank.


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At last thank you for reading the whole article of Jimmy valentine shorts questions and answers from , which will be very helpful to you for your upcoming final exam. So read the article of Jimmy valentine shorts questions and answers so that you can prepare well for the examination.


N: B This Jimmy valentine shorts questions and answers article is made with the help of few experienced teacher and also we took some references from few books, so if you have any problem with Jimmy valentine shorts questions and answers article, let us know to [email protected] this email address.

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