
Asleep In the Valley Descriptive Question and answer

Asleep in the Valley descriptive question and answer; Here in this article, we want to uphold a few descriptive type questions from Asleep in The Vally By Arthur Rimbaud. Which will be very helpful to your exam perspective. so let’s have a look at Asleep In the Valley Descriptive Question and answer By Arthur Rimbaud.

you are requested to read this Asleep In the Valley Descriptive Question and answer the article very attentively so that you can answer your question in the final examination of Class 12 of WBCHSE.

1. Give the substance of the poem Asleep in the Valley by Arthur Rimbaud.(Asleep In the Valley Descriptive Question and answer) 


Ans: Arthur Rimbaud’s Asleep In the valley is a poem about the futility of war. It portrays the destructive side view of the war as an anti-war poem. The poet here paints a picture of a valley through which flows a slow stream. The valley is bathed in the bright rays of the sun that stream down the mountaintop.

A young soldier is found lying openly mouthed over the bed of bright green grass. He rests his head on a pillow made of fern. He seems to enjoy a peaceful sleep undisturbed by the humming insects. The sympathetic poet appeals to Mother Nature to keep his body warm to prevent him from catching a cold. Suddenly the poet discovers two red holes of the bullet on both sides. It brings out a horrible truth that the young soldier is lying dead in the lap of Mother Nature.

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2. Asleep in the Valley is a poem about war – Explain or discuss. (Asleep In the Valley Descriptive Question and answer)


Ans: To most of the war poets a favorite subject is the pity of war and Arthur Rimbaud the boy poet is not an exception. Here in the poem Asleep in the Valley, he describes a young soldier lying peacefully in the sun-soaked bushes in a green valley. He seems to be peacefully asleep with an innocent smile on his lips, although he is actually shot dead. The valley beside him is full of bright sunlight showered by the sun.

The greenery in the valley is vibrant with life. The soldier has his feet among the flowers as if nature is paying him her last tribute. The poem prays to nature and the futile sun to bring back life to the youth killed prematurely. The sun-soaked land, grass, the warmth of the atmosphere cannot bring back life to the dead body of the unfortunate young soldier. His body lies open-mouthed with a gentle smile free from any guile but, unfortunately, what the body lacks is life itself. Thus the poet points at the futility of war, the uselessness of death, and destruction.

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3. Give after Rimbaud a description of the valley. 


Ans: The boy poet Arthur Rimbaud very beautifully and touchingly points a very shocking picture of life and death in the poem Asleep in the valley. The poem is very much living with its nature which stands in contrast with the dead body of a young soldier. The soldier lies in a small valley which is majestic in its beauty. A slow stream flows through the valley leaving an impression of long silver strands on the bright green grass.

The flowing water glistering in the showering sunlight creates a long-lasting impression on one’s mind. The valley is filled with bright sunrays, which stream down the mountaintop like a fountain. The entire hollow is full of life even where the soldier lies; there is plenty of life around. In the bushes, on the mossy green lies his body with his feet among the flowers. Everything around is vibrant with life and warmth except the body of the young soldier which has been cold forever.

Read More Asleep In the valley SAQ Question and Answer.

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N:B: This article of Asleep In the Valley Descriptive Question and answer is made with the help of some expert teachers and some textbook provides by the WBBCHSE board to the student of the class 12. Though permission was taken from the teachers for the Asleep In the Valley Descriptive Question and answer but we cannot able to contact with the publisher. So if you have any objection regarding this Asleep In the Valley Descriptive Question and answer notes and have any questions, feel free to email us. Our email address is [email protected] Thank You.


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